Harmonious Counselling Individual, Couple and Two's Counselling and Psychotherapy in Alfold, Cranleigh, Surrey Face to Face, Online and Telephone Therapy

Couple Counselling. MeUsYou

Marriage, couple and relationship counselling / psychotherapy in Alfold, Cranleigh and Online relationship counselling. Couple counselling Surrey. Online couple therapy. Affairs and Betrayal relationship repair. Relationship distress West Sussex.

Chances are you are feeling unhappy and unfulfilled in your relationship which is why you have found yourself on this page. The great thing; you have decided to do something about it so lets get you the support you need.

Through taking action and making a few changes you absolutely can create a different relationship moving forward.

Staggering Stagistic!

Couple Counselling. Times

The Times reported on 23 September 2016: -

"The number of people living in deeply unhappy relationships has doubled in less than five years. More than a million people say they are miserable with their spouse or longterm partner, according to an analysis of official wellbeing figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) yesterday."

Click here to read the article

What couple counselling offers is a space to shine a light on your relationship and to see what has happened along your relationship journey to have you in a place of dis-contentment from, what started out as, love.

Wow! So let's get you support so you will no longer be part of this statistic!

How do you feel about being here?

Chances are mixed; feeling unhappy yet relieved to be reaching out and to be ready, or getting ready, to take action because you want your relationship to be different.

It is easy to be nice, warm and loving when you first fall in love yet learnt behaviours come out as imperfections, flaws, fallibility, defenses, etc. start to show up as you realise you are both different.

In many ways couple counselling is more vulnerable than individual counselling as there is a lack of control over what a partner may say and, by its very nature, it is unpredictable. YET it is a safe place for each person to tell their own story, be heard and for each person's perspective to be honoured, listened to and validated.

Renowned couple's therapist Esther Perel states that "Most people are going to have two or three marriages or committed relationships in their adult life. Some of us will have them with the same person" so this can be you........


The reason you are seeking couple counselling


Couple Counselling. RelationshipTree

Generally will fall into 3 categories: -

1. For change, growth, development and to stay in your current relationship.

2. You are deliberating 'should we stay or separate?'.

3. You have decided to separate and want to work on leaving the relationship in as healthier way as possible.

(please note, if options 1 or 2 then we can work together; if option 3 then I am not the counsellor for you as I do not do separation only work)

What is Couple Counselling?

Couple and two's counselling is when your relationship, dynamics, difficulties, past and future are all in focus; it centres on the relationship you co-create and the impact of you both on your relationship.  

Struggles do not mean you are flawed, or have something wrong with you; struggles means you are two individuals with individual wants, needs, desires, life experiences, value systems, etc. coming together and challenging one another's thoughts, feelings and emotions. 

I encourage individuality and interdependence for a more satisfying relationship.

Note: Relationship counselling can be challenging and hard work yet the prize has to be held in mind; a happier, more contented and fulfilling relationship (and life!) for you both.

My role as a Couple Counsellor

Couple Counselling. CoupleLove

To support you both to: -

1. Understand your goals and what you both want to achieve

2. Manage conflict and shed light on your cycles / defenses

3. Repair past and present wounds

4. Focus on your relationship offering a neutral perspective

5. Tentatively challenge behaviours and cycles

6. Be empathic and encourage naming feelings

7. Find a 'win win' using negotiation

8. Be decisive, insightful and help sustain positive momentum

9. Encourage new roles, new ways of being and new responsibilities in the relationship

10. Reflect on, champion and prize growth.



Prior to your first session I will have emailed you pre-assessment forms to be completed (and emailed back at least 72 hours prior to your first appointment).  These provide me with background information so your first session can be conducted in the here-and-now. For this pre-assessment work, and initial 60 minute session, the fee is reduced to £50.

Moving forwards: -

60 minute face to face session in Alfold - £85

Online 60 minute session - £85.

Each additional 30 minutes. subject to availability, is charged at £30.

Low-cost daytime appointments available at a reduced rate of £75 (please mention when enquiring).


Contact from website
Please click here to contact me directly from this website.

Email Contact
Email harmoniouscounselling@gmail.com
I will email you back the same day if a working day. Please be rest assured emails are confidential and only seen by me.

Telephone Contact
Call 07941 305511
If I am unable to answer please leave a brief message informing me of your enquiry along with your name, telephone number and when it is a good time for me to call you back.
Please note:- If your number is not familiar to me, and you do not leave a message, I will not call you back as I am aware this could be dangerous without knowing your individual situation.
My answering machine is confidential and your message will only be listened to by me.

Text / WhatsApp Contact
Text 07941 305511 to make an appointment.
If I am in an appointment I may not be able to answer you straight away yet I will get back to you as soon as I am able to.

Not ready yet?
If you feel you are not quite ready to commit to an appointment please feel free to message me. I have been where you are now and I am happy to help with your transition.

Gandhi stated "nobody can hurt me without my permission" and through our sessions you will discover that it is your own expectations and experience that causes hurt and not your partner.

KATE HEAVEY BA (Hons) BACP (Accredited)


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