Harmonious Counselling Individual, Couple, Marriage and Two's Counselling and Psychotherapy in Alfold, Cranleigh, Surrey Face to Face, Online and Telephone Therapy

Relationships. Worldonshoulders

Relationship therapy in Alfold, Cranleigh, Rudgwick and surrounding areas. Online marriage therapy and relationship counselling in the UK and worldwide including Europe, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Singapore (except USA and Canada).

The aim of this page is to give you a small insight into how unhealthy ways of relating are created and how it is not your fault if you have learnt these behaviours.

Relationships are everywhere and I have a great interest in, and experience in, working with individuals and couples with relationship issues.

I am a firm believer that it is not the person that is the problem; it is the problem that is the problem.

Firstly, have you ever considered what your relationship is like with yourself? Do you even have one? Does this very thought have you running for the hills? Well one of my core beliefs is that we are all 'ok' and not any one of us is 'perfect poppins'.

So your first question; if you do not have a warm, kind and loving relationship with yourself then how can you have a warm, kind and loving relationship with another?

Which moves me on to relationships with others....do you find them easy or hard? Can you talk and communicate freely or do you freeze or flee?

Maybe you are stuck in cycles and do not know why. What is important is that you can learn to have a healthy relationship with yourself....and with others...if you are open to learning and change.


I define relationship as any interaction where two (or more) people connect whether as a one-off or in a deep and meaningful way.

Experience informs that we all have a desire to understand relationship with ourself and others; through our collaborative relationship I invite you to explore your thoughts, emotions, feelings and fears in our sessions.

1. Do you wonder why others go through life with no relationship issues yet you find them difficult?

2. Are you looking for the 'happy ever after' constantly disappointed that you never achieve it?

3. At times does life seem unbearable with unfulfilled relationships?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then you are not alone.

Would it surprise you to read that the most Googled ‘what is...’ question in 2014 was ‘what is love?’

One theorist, Eric Berne's, speaks of 'I'm OK, You're OK' and I believe this to be true as we are all human and, as such, are fallible and his theory is the equilibrium we are looking for in relationship. However, many of us are going around with the mindset of 'I'm Ok, You're not OK' or, even more detrimental to yourself, 'I'm not OK, You're 'ok'.

In order to understand the role of relationships in your life today your counselling journey will include looking at how you have learnt to relate to others. It is quite astonishing to know that attachment patterns set in the early years of life play a significant part in how we all emotionally bond and connect with others. The first relationships you would have witnessed are those around you in your early years. So what did you learn? Could you trust? Did you feel safe? Were others available to you?

I would add that this is not a hard and fast rule for how you are in relationship as there are many factors along your life that can contribute to how emotionally available you are to others (or unavailable!). What is great is that we get injured in relationship and we heal in relationship.


Relationship is about finding the right balance for YOU


Relationships. Balance

In relationships are you able to balance your needs with another? Can you be vulnerable? Love? Feel? Or does the very thought of these words make you shudder?

(Brené Brown does an excellent TEDtalk on 'The Power of Vulnerability' and if you can spare 20 minutes I would thoroughly recommend you view it).

The one thing I always hold for my clients is hope. My relationship hope for you is that, through counselling, you move to feeling more secure, explorative and fulfilled in the relationship you have with yourself and others.

A final thought from psychotherapist Esther Perel, who is noted for her exploration between needs for security and freedom: -

'The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives'

What is your relationship currently saying about the quality of your life?



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Email Contact
Email harmoniouscounselling@gmail.com
I will email you back the same day if a working day. Please be rest assured emails are confidential and only seen by me.

Telephone Contact
Call 07941 305511
If I am unable to answer please leave a brief message informing me of your enquiry along with your name, telephone number and when it is a good time for me to call you back.
Please note:- If your number is not familiar to me, and you do not leave a message, I will not call you back as I am aware this could be dangerous without knowing your individual situation.
My answering machine is confidential and your message will only be listened to by me.

Text / WhatsApp Contact
Text 07941 305511 to make an appointment.
If I am in an appointment I may not be able to answer you straight away yet I will get back to you as soon as I am able to.

Not ready yet?
If you feel you are not quite ready to commit to an appointment please feel free to message me. I have been where you are now and I am happy to help with your transition.

In 'How to Be an Adult in Relationships' David Richo states "once we love ourselves, people no longer look good to us unless they are good for us." (2002:85) What a great place to be.

KATE HEAVEY BA (Hons) BACP (Accredited)

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