Harmonious Counselling Individual, Couple and Two's Counselling and Psychotherapy in Alfold, Cranleigh, Surrey Face to Face, Online and Telephone Therapy

Student Counsellors. Amazing

Kate Heavey BA (Hons) FdSc BACP (Accredited) - Counselling trainee counsellors for 9 years. Supporting student counsellors in training and afterwards to encourage setting up in private practice.

Firstly, congratulations. You are on a course that will change your life. I remember being very nervous and not knowing what was about to unfold. Our tutor on the first day said 'we will strip you down yet we will build you up' and that sounded scary yet hopeful too.

Counselling Students / Trainee Counsellors

Student Counsellors. Mortarboard

I have put the following information for you to read YET know this may all seem a bit mind boggling right now as it would have been when I started the course. YET, imagine, in 2 years time will be all be second nature to you = wow! That is part of the 'build you up' that I referred to earlier. This is a journey of discovery of you.

Since qualifying I have had the privilege of working with student counsellors and I feel very fortunate, having gained BACP accreditation, to still be able to do this. My experience of counselling students includes local places of study such as Guildford College, Sutton College, Kingston University and Roehampton University and now with online working with students further afield in Leeds, Birmingham Manchester and York.

My core model is Clarkson Five Relational which is a relational model falling under the integrative umbrella. I gained a Foundation Degree (with merit) after passing my NCFE 1, 2 and 3 and went on to do a Bachelor of Arts (with second class honours) in Counselling. I continue to do in excess of the required BACP 30 hours of CPD a year so keep abreast of what is happening (and our field expands so much every year!).

My qualification is in adult therapy and since my initial training, I have also trained in couple work and I have an Advanced Certificate in Relationship Therapy (COSRT) and I am a graduate of The Developmental Model of Couples Therapy Training under Ellyn Bader Ph.D. (The Couples Institute). I firmly believe I can never know enough about relationships and the dynamics that come from them.

I have extensive experience supporting students with personal therapy during counselling training and pride myself on providing a safe and trusting space as I do to all my clients.

Once qualified, if required, I will continue to work with you as you grow your own private practice providing a bridge to get there so you do not have to go down the rabbit holes I did. 

BACP: -  BACP accredited counsellor / psychotherapist (member number 093164) gained 2017.

I work to the BACP Ethical Framework. As proof of your therapy your organisation will require a document to be signed and this is the only document I sign. You can be assured that your sessions are as private as any other clients upholding your right to autonomy.



Integrative Relational Model - Clarkson's 5 Relational Model

At this stage the following may seem overwhelming yet I would like to briefly give you details of what Clarkson’s Five Relational Model is. It is an excellent therapy model to hold the ebbing and flowing of all client work: -

Working Alliance – the bridge for all counselling and psychotherapy. It is what holds the counsellor / client relationship and it is on which both stand to look back, look forward and, importantly, into what is happening right now. Components of the working alliance are honest communication, trust, safety, security, consistency, realness, equality and support / cheerleading.

Transference / Countertransference – I have a saying ‘show me the boy/girl and I will show you the man/woman’ as I believe what comes into therapy is transferred from our past whether this be patterns of relating, value systems, life relating etc. This can include all relationships, group process, power dynamics, etc. It is through our therapeutic relationship you gain awareness and can begin to work through your own transference.

With regards to my countertransference, I too continue to work through my patterns of relating with ‘reactive countertransference’ coming from my reaction to what you bring to sessions and with my ‘proactive countertransference’ being bracketed (most of the time, I am a fallible human being) and taken to supervision or my own counselling to be worked through.

Reparative - The ‘re-parenting’ part of therapy and one I find myself working in a great deal with many clients. We have all had ‘good enough parenting’ else we would not be alive yet there are parts of life experience that can leave scaring and ill-effective ways of being with coping skills and defenses. This can provide internal confusion and conflict and so within this modality we look at providing and replenishing experiences to move to self-compassion, self-acceptance and self-esteem from self-critic, self-berating and self-negative.

The Person to Person – The real relationship is 'you and I' and it is as unique as we are. The working alliance will have 'I/Thou' (Buber) moments in it which you and I truly get one another. From these moments come realisation that you able to support yourself. i.e. if I were a conductor and you the instrument we have learnt to play a tune together and you are now playing your own instrument beautifully allowing your own music to flow.

Transpersonal Relationship - Wow, these moments in therapy take my breath away. Heart to heart spiritual meeting rather than rational moments. Two souls vulnerable and transformed by a deep meaningful connection. These transpersonal moments are provided by the safety, security and consistency of the working alliance (Bowlby's theory of attachment).

Clarkson acknowledged “...explicitly that these five forms of relationship are intentionally or unintentionally present in most approaches to psychotherapy or psychoanalysis” (2003: 24) and I feel it is important in your sessions that these elements are experienced for you to heal and become the best therapist you can be.

Lastly, my core training incorporated aspects of Person Centred, Gestalt, Existential, Psychosynthesis, Psychodynamic, Transactional Analysis, Attachment Theory, Inner Child Work, Creative Work and CBT. This means I offer different ways of working in therapy, i.e. psychoeducation, visualisations, genograms, family dynamics, defense responses, dream work, artwork, object relational exercises (buttons, shells, stones, Russian dolls), plus so much more as I myself continue to learn on this wonderful journey of life. You can guarantee that sessions will not only access your conscious mind yet also your unconscious.


Student Counsellors. Youareworthit


As I am aware of the costs of training I offer counselling students a £15 reduction on my session fee: -

£50 - walk and talk therapy - 50 minute session

£50 - face to face, online and telephone - 60 minute session.


Student Counsellors. Timetotalk


Contact from website
Please click here to contact me directly from this website.

Email Contact
Email harmoniouscounselling@gmail.com
I will email you back the same day if a working day. Please be rest assured emails are confidential and only seen by me.

Telephone Contact
Call 07941 305511
If I am unable to answer please leave a brief message informing me of your enquiry along with your name, telephone number and when it is a good time for me to call you back.
Please note:- If your number is not familiar to me, and you do not leave a message, I will not call you back as I am aware this could be dangerous without knowing your individual situation.
My answering machine is confidential and your message will only be listened to by me.

Text / WhatsApp Contact
Text 07941 305511 to make an appointment.
If I am in an appointment I may not be able to answer you straight away yet I will get back to you as soon as I am able to.

As George Eliiot said "It's never too late to be what you always might have been" and I look forward to being on this journey with you.

KATE HEAVEY BA (Hons) BACP (Accredited)

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